More marriages die of neglect than anything else.
Make YOUR date night a priority and transform your marriage. Join us NOW for our next date night!
No Guilt for Not Scheduling a Date Night
You always have a date night on the calendar = less stress on picking a date/time
You Don't Have to Have a Babysitter
The kids can have an activity in the next room (or get a babysitter and have the night together too)!
Be Anywhere in the World and Still Join us LIVE!
Some couples join us from their home while others join us from a hotel room on vacation.
What would I get with a Monthly Live Date Night Membership?
- A live 90-minute zoom call every month.
- A community of nearly 200 couples dedicated to building solid marriages.
- A detailed handout for each session.
PLUS: Access to over 24 past workshops (36 hours of video content)!
Sex and Intimacy
- Your Brain, Your Body, and the Bedroom
- Your Recipe for a Healthy Sex Life
- Freedom in the Bedroom
- Breaking the BOREDOM in the Bedroom
- High Drive - Low Drive (Addressing the Gap)
- 5 Conversations You Must Have (and the tools to actually have them)
- Balancing Time Together and Time Apart
- Top 3 Ways to Feel Closer
Personal Growth
- How to Set Boundaries with Relatives
- How NOT To Burn Out w/ Pastor Jason Carr, LMFT
- Your MONEY and Your MARRIAGE
- How To Write a Marriage Mission Statement
- Personal Goal Setting Workshop
Conflict Resolution
- What You're REALLY Arguing About
- The ANGRY Brain and the Clean-Up Work
- FORGIVING Those We Love Most
Mental Health
- STRESS + How to Deal With It
- What's Your EQ?
- PHILIA: Friendship INSIDE and OUTSIDE the Marriage
- Crafting Your 5-Day Romance Challenge
Here's what others are saying:

Stu and Gael
New Zealand
"We have been married for 22 years and this was honestly soooo useful. We would love for our friends' marriages to have this intentional goodness poured into them like what happened for us over the weekend. Huge blessings to you two. xoxo"

David and Kerri
Folsom, California
"We were so surprised at how much we enjoyed the virtual experience. Adam and Karissa have a professional presence but also an incredibly relatable presentation style that put us at ease and we were able to take in all of the sessions without feeling overwhelmed."

Jonathan and Elizabeth
"Such an affordable and amazing way to bless your marriage! Practical tools, Biblical teaching, and a refreshing sense of humor. This is a great event for newlyweds or those who have been married for decades."
Join 200+ other couples that have decided to make this small investment and prioritize their marriage!